There are thirteen Pinnacle award categories to choose from within the themes People, Impact and Innovation, there is no limit to the number of categories that you can enter.

Please read through the category descriptions carefully, select the category you wish to enter from the list, and click ‘ENTER NOW’. You will need to register and set up an account the first time you do this.

Registering your account

Before you submit a nomination, you will need to create an account. When registering, you will receive an email which will have a click-through link and a validation code to validate your account.

Completing your entry

You can save draft entries and return to edit them as often as you wish before submitting. All you need to do is click on the ‘YOUR ACCOUNT’ tab on the menu banner and this will take you through to your dashboard where you will find all your draft entries and submitted entries.

When you have finished writing your entry and you are ready to submit, you'll need to agree to the terms and conditions then click the ‘COMPLETE’ button at the bottom of the page. If your entry is still in draft, you will need to click ‘MOVE TO BASKET’ at the top of the entry before you can click the ‘COMPLETE’ button.

Once submitted, you will receive a confirmation message or email acknowledging receipt of your entry. Keep an eye on any communications from the PMI regarding the status of your entry.

Important information

Maximum word counts are shown below the entry box for each question.

If you forget your password, please use the reset password link on the login page.

Winners will be announced at the Pinnacle Awards ceremony at The Peninsula London, 28th November 2024.